Makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 271


The makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll for may 13, 2013

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”

Ну, это не так много опросов. It’s a lot more just a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past four years. I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.

How do you feel about music festivals?
I’ve gotta say…I’ve been to a few, and they’re just not really my thing.

I can never see what’s happening on stage (#shortpeopleproblems), my feet ache from standing so long (again, while unable to see the stage), and porta potties just really, really freak me out.

Most of the time, I’d rather enjoy pre-recorded performances on TV from the comfort of my living room couch.

Something you used to wear that now makes you flinch whenever you see yourself wearing it in old pictures?
Egad, remember those cheesy plastic choker necklaces from the late ’90s? I’m wearing one (and often two) in nearly every one of my “We’re going to da club!” pics from that era.

I had ’em in a bunch of different colors, too, haha!

Last time I went home, I saw one hanging from a hook as a decoration in my parent’s bathroom…

What’s a lot more fun for you — doing your hair, nails or makeup?
Макияж, мириться!

Nails are a lot more of a kicking back thing for me, and my hair tends to be a chore.

Have you ever gone on holiday by yourself?
Nope, but I’ve been thinking about taking a long day spa weekend by myself sometime soon.


I love traveling with pals or El Hub, but I also like (okay, LOVE) the idea of being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want to do it.

How did you meet your closest friend(s)?
We went to elementary school together. I met Jen in second grade and Cindy in third, but it wasn’t until high school that we all started hanging out together regularly.

Three things you’re grateful for ideal now?
The sunshine outside my window, afternoon naps (because I napped yesterday and feel well rested today), and uplifting songs.

What time did you wake up this morning?
At exactly 5:55. I just opened my eyes, too. No tabby or other alarm clocks.

Three things on your desk ideal now?
A small quartz rock, a purple gel pen (Uniball Vision Elite Micro 0.5…the BEST!) and a bottle of Vitamin Water Zero in Squeezed.

Something you’d like to do this summer?
Swim in a lake.

Did you pick up any new makeup or appeal products last weekend?
I swung by a MAC counter on Saturday to get a new 224 (misplaced mine), a 109 small Contour brush and a Veluxe Brow liner in Deep Dark Brunette

Чтобы завершить опрос понедельника, просто скопируйте следующий список и вставьте его с вашими ответами в комментариях.

Le list.

1. how do you feel about music festivals?
2. Something you used to wear that now makes you flinch whenever you see yourself wearing it in old pictures?
3. What’s a lot more fun for you — doing your hair, nails or makeup?
4. have you ever gone on holiday by yourself?
5. how did you meet your closest friend(s)?
6. three things you’re grateful for ideal now?
7. What time did you wake up this morning?
8. three things on your desk ideal now?
9. Something you’d like to do this summer?
10. Did you pick up any new makeup or appeal products last weekend?


How are you feeling this morning? Do you feel ready for the week?

Ваш дружелюбный апелляционный призыв соседства,


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